Academic Student Services

Explore all academic services available at UCI.

UCI Academic Advising

At the time of admission to UCI every undergraduate student is assigned to the school or program that offers the student’s selected major. Students who have indicated “Undergraduate/Undeclared” as a major on their UC Application for Admission receive assistance from Undergraduate/Undeclared Advising Program in the Division of Undergraduate Education until they select an academic major.


Click here for a list of each academic advising office at UCI. Students should talk to an academic advisor for their major, for the school to which they are assigned, or to the Undergraduate/Undeclared Advising Program.

Transfer Student Center

Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships

Appeal cost of attendance to include childcare expenses. A financial aid representative can review whether a COA appeal is appropriate.

(949) 824-8262

UCI Division of Career Pathways

UCI Career Resources

Find career resources across campus.

Events Calendar

Fairs, workshops, strategy sessions, and more.

Job & Internship Postings

Current admitted students: find internships, jobs, upcoming workshops and events.

UCI Disabled Service Center

(949) 824-7494

Childbirth Accommodation & Childcare Reimbursement

Graduate Division Employment and Fellowships Manager


Sonia Lepe

Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity

(949) 824-5594

Academic Planning Tools


A schedule planning and time management tool for UCI students.


Set up an action plan by adding courses

Graduate School Preparation 

UCI Writing Center

The UCI Writing Center can help with grad school applications.

UCI Graduate Resource Center

Visit the UCI Graduate Resource Center to learn about different grad school options and support in applying.

UCI Social Sciences Academic Resource Center

SSARC provides support for applying for grad school. SSARC is part of the School of Social Sciences, however, their service is available to all students. We highly recommend joining their mailing list by emailing

UCI SOAR Graduate Access Preparation Program

The SOAR Graduate Access Preparation program is focused on demystifying the graduate school process for historically underrepresented, undocumented, low-income, and other underserved populations to increase enrollment, retention, and graduation rates in graduate programs. The GAPP program will select 20 students to be a part of the cohort for the 2022-23 academic year. This will require enrollment in a 1.3-unit course for Winter & Spring quarters.

UCI Division of Career Pathways

DCP provides services and has a page about applying for grad school.

UCI Graduate Division

The Graduate Division provides information on how to apply to graduate school.