Resources available to students who are pregnant, parenting, guardians, and caregivers
Priority Registration
In accordance with AB 2881, all students who care for dependents under the age of 18 qualify for priority registration. To apply for priority registration, please click on the following HERE.
Basic Needs Center
Find resources and information on the fresh pantry, emergency meal swipes, diaper bank, CalFresh and California WIC program.
Housing Options

Get more information on affordable, family-friendly housing options near campus.
Child Care

Find out more about the affordable child care options and resources near campus.
On-Campus Resources

Explore on-campus resources to meet the needs of student parents and families.
Off-Campus Resources

Explore off-campus resources for supporting student parents and families.
Pregnant Scholar

Access important resources and information for expecting student parents.
Student Parents and Families Program

Learn more about CalWorks and how student parents and families can access assistance.
Benefits and Services

Find helpful resources and information for parenting students.